- 100% pure, raw honey
- Light amber color
- Thick body
- Subtle fragrance
- Tends to crystallize
- Harvested in the western dry forest of the Dominican Republic
Filtered, bottled and packed by hand in Cabarete, Dominican Republic
A magnificent honey to enjoy by the spoonful, but we need to suggest a recipe. Campeche honey makes granola cluster beautifully, and it’s so rich that you’d need less of the honey amount you’d usually use for baking it. Just follow these instructions!
Find more recipes here.
Campeche (Haematoxylum campechianum) is a tree from the legume family. Originally from Mexico and Central America, it has been used as dye for centuries. Campeche blooms in clusters of yellow flowers, attracting bees from approximately November through February. In the western regions of the Dominican Republic, campeche is among the first blooms of the honey season. Local beekeepers gauge the quality of the whole flow based on the few first days of campeche, and their smiles are huge if lots of yellow cover the tree tops.
Learn more here.